Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Cultural Centre opening in Yarker

A group of Yarker artists formed a cultural association, which will be providing an access to art and culture for Yarker and area inhabitants. The Out in the Sticks Cultural Centre, run by Out in the Sticks Cultural Association, opens on Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010 at 2838 County Road 6. Before the front part of the building, designed for future Art Gallery, is renovated, the activities run by the the association will take place in private space of members - Anna and Andrzej's family home, so please use the side entrance. The first event will be a film screening, first of the Film Discussion Club series. European film "Underground" by Emir Kusturica will be shown. This movie has gained great fame and appreciation in Europe and has been honoured with several awards, including Palme d'Or at Cannes Film Festival. The screening will be preceded by a short lecture and followed by a discussion. Admission is free, but if you wish to make a voluntary donation for the association you are most welcome to do so. Please find the details of this event and other activities of the Cultural Centre at:
Apart from Film Discussion Club, the Centre will run lectures, workshops, concerts, activities for children and youth and the Art Gallery (opening in June). The organizers hope for moral and financial support from local community. Volunteers, donations and submissions by local artists are welcome!

Yarker, Colebrook and District Community Survey

So far 21 people have completed the Survey on-line. We don't know yet how many paper copies have been filled out. We really hope for community input, which will give us knowledge about community members' needs, likes and dislikes. Great thanks to all who took part in our Survey. Your voice is very very important. Please pass the news about the Survey to your neighbours and friends and encourage them to take the part too. Online version may be completed here.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Yarker, Colebrook and District Community Survey

In the past years the Yarker/Colebrook community has produced a wide variety of recreational sporting activities, community events and heritage and cultural enhancements for the enjoyment of all residents. These activities were supported and in many cases organized and developed by previous community associations. It has been recently recognized that there is a need and a desire to refresh the spirit of these past undertakings and once again provide an array of community activities geared to our current needs.

A Steering Committee for a possible new Yarker/Colebrook & District Community Association has been formed to explore the viability of such an Association. To gain a better understanding of the community’s current interests, needs and future projects and as first step in developing guidelines for the association, the following survey has been prepared to canvass the opinions of the area residents.

Based on the findings reached from the completed surveys, the Steering Committee will then form the general mandate and focus for a new Yarker/Colebrook & District Community Association (YCDCA) early in the new year.

The Steering Committee would ask you to complete all questions and provide additional comment as appropriate. You may complete it online here or request an e-mail version from: Apart from that every household will receive printed copy of the survey by mail. These may be returned to the Lucky Dollar Store, the Riverside United Church, Free Methodist Church, the Yarker Family School and Library or the Colebrook General Store.
Please complete the survey on or before January 29th, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Story about our Survey and Potluck in Napanee Beaver

Napanee Beaver staff reporter, Dominik Wisniewski wrote a story about our Association, the Survey and upcoming Pot luck. It is based on information from this blog and interview with two of Steering Committee members: Anna Szczepaniec and Carolyn Pickering. Unfortunately other volunteers were not able to attend. The story is available here:
Napanee Beaver